
We seek to deliver value for money in any procurement to support V&A Dundee

Our procurement policy is that all goods, services and works are acquired through competition wherever possible and governed by public sector procurement best practice.

We do not maintain a list of approved or preferred suppliers. The onus is on suppliers to check for notice of any contracts that may be of interest to them and then respond in accordance with the requirements set out in the advertisement. Where possible we seek out opportunities to work with other partner organisations to establish collaborative contracts in order to take advantage of additional efficiencies.We advertise major contract opportunities as they arise on the Public Contracts Scotland website with a link on this website. Interested bidders should be registered on Public Contracts Scotland (PCS) to view the Prior Information Notice published.

Any supplier wishing to be considered for opportunities should be signed up to PCS, selecting the Design Dundee Ltd commodity at

Current Opportunities

We are looking for an agency to take on the management and maintenance of V&A Dundee’s website platform, helping to keep the platform functioning to its best, evaluating its performance, identifying areas for improvement, and delivering development of new features or functionality within the existing infrastructure. We are not looking for a complete redesign but want to work with an agency who will bring their own magic and flair to the website, bringing good design principles to the fore. Experience of working with;

  • Storyblok or other headless CMS system

  • Spektrix or other ticketing systems

  • Next.js and Vercel

The closing date for submissions is 12.00, Monday 24 July 2023.

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image that represent two pages of V&A dundee website