
The Baroque style dominated Europe between the 17th and the mid-18th century. Its influence also spread worldwide, making it the first style to have a significant global impact. As the rich array of objects in the V&A's collection show, Baroque spanned the visual arts and transformed the look of churches, palaces, public squares and theatres. Its emphasis on emotion and movement placed the viewer at the heart of the drama.

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From opulent furniture to imposing portraits to grand wine sets, our collection shows that the Baroque style intended to impress. As well as masterpieces by the likes of Gianlorenzo Bernini, renowned for his 'living sculpture', and Grinling Gibbons, the most celebrated British woodcarver of the period, there are exquisite examples of craftsmanship drawn from across the visual arts, such as ivory-covered cabinets, painted mirrors and lavishly decorated metal tankards.
